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The sixth volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in summer 2022, with articles exploring a variety of topics in the field. Lord Nicholas Stern discusses how governments a...
2022 . 07 04
By Philippe Aghion, Lena Boneva, Johannes Breckenfelder, Luc Laeven, Conny Olovsson, Alexander A. Popov, Elena RancoitaECB Working Paper No. 2022/2686 (Jul 2022).Date Published: Jul 1, 2022AbstractFul...
2022 . 07 01
By Kenneth S. Rogoff,Journal of Policy Modeling Vol. 44, Issue 4 (Jul-Aug 2022): pp. 804-811.Date published: Jul-Aug 2022 AbstractWith a number of emerging markets and particularly low-income cou...
2022 . 07 01
By Kenneth S. RogoffIMES Discussion Paper Series No. 22-E-09 (Jul 2022).Date Published: Jul 2022 IntroductionIt is great honor to give the 2022 Mayekawa Lecture at the Bank of Japan. My topic tod...
2022 . 07 01
By Achdou, Yves, Charles Bertucci, Jean-Michel Lasry, Pierre-Louis Lions, Antoine Rostand, José A. ScheinkmanFinance and Stochastics Vol. 26, Issue 3 (Jun 2022): pp. 631-669.Date Published: Jun 2...
2022 . 06 28
By Phelps, EdmundCapitalism & Society Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Jun 2022)Date Published: Jun 17, 2022 AbstractThis paper, adapted from a presentation at the Center on Capitalism and Society in Novemb...
2022 . 06 17
By Philippe Aghion,Peter HowittCapitalism & Society, Volume 16, Issue 1 (2022)Posted: 17 Jun 2022Date Written: June 17, 2022AbstractThis paper argues that the growth of large, efficient but antico...
2022 . 06 17
By Stern, Nicholas and Chunping XieJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2022): pp. 1259-1289.Date Issued: Nov 2022Date Published: May 10, 2022AbstractChina has announced i...
2022 . 05 10
By De Haas, Ralph, Sergei Guriev and Alexander StepanovEBRD Working Paper No. 266 (May 2022) Does state ownership hinder or help firms access credit? We use data on almost 4 million firms in 89 c...
2022 . 05 01
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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