
Event Recap: Eric S. Maskin on Government and Economics

DATE: 2025-02-17

On February 17, 2025, the Tsinghua University Lecture of Nobel Laureates, co-organized by the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics (SAGE) and Tsinghua University's Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Thinking (ACCEPT), was broadcasted online. The lecture, convened on campus at Tsinghua University, was presided over by 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences and Co-President of SAGE, Dr. Eric S. Maskin, who is currently serving as the Adams University Professor at Harvard University, together with fellow SAGE Co-President Dr. David Daokui Li, who serves concurrently as the Director of ACCEPT and Professor of Economics at Tsinghua University. After Dr. Li delivered welcoming remarks to all of the distinguished guests in attendance at the event, Dr. Maskin proceeded to share his latest insights on the topic of government and economics, with his lecture discussing the recent deployment of blockchain and cryptocurrency as two related but distinct developments. While highlighting blockchain as a potentially transformative technology with widespread applications beyond the area of cryptocurrency, such as its ability to securely transmit information and efficiently allocate resources, Dr. Maskin expressed skepticism regarding the innovative potential of cryptocurrency, which does not generate sufficient added value compared to "old-fashioned money" while giving rise to a number of downsides, which, apart from being unregulated and and providing cover for illicit transactons, includes high levels of speculative volatility, illiquidity and inferiority as a means of payment, and interference with the government's monetary policy. At the conclusion of his lecture, Dr. Maskin was joined by Dr. Li for a lively and wide-ranging discussion before opening up the floor to a Q&A session with the audience.

Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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